August 05, 2021
Cry in movies and smile in songs, sing in the shower and dance like no one's watching, blush frequently, laugh a lot, daydream just because it's fun, kiss a lot, I repeat a lot, hug like you mean it, watch puppy videos, read whenever you get a chance, blabber alone if you feel like it, find your quiet even in a crowd, hold hands, read Rumi, read Neruda, make playlist for shower, for gin, for hype, for sex, for love, hit the beach, call your friends, see their face, tell your parents how much you love them, drop the judgement, drop the anger, forgive them, forgive you, let it go, observe and appreciate, appreciate the little things people do, I don't know what else is there to life, the bigger meaning or purpose really hasn't come yet, maybe this is all that there is.
August 1, 2021.