Blue checkered shirt.

October 05, 2022

All I want is a cup of coffee with you.

When the sun starts to rise and a sliver of light peeks through the curtains, the warmth of being in your arms would go great with the warmth coffee in the morning brings. With our hands intertwined, gripping paper cups which probably have our names spelled wrong, strolling through the streets and breathing in the fresh air. Sitting across each other at a coffee shop, eating donuts and slices of cakes, sharing stories without a care in the world. Snuggled up on a couch feeling lazy, deciding on what to do to entertain ourselves, wanting to spend the day in each other's arms. Late night when the world is asleep and we're wide awake, musing over our thoughts that only the moon and the stars can bring out of us.

All I want is a cup of coffee with you.
To warm my hands, my heart, and my soul.

to the guy with a blue checkered shirt.
today, a month ago.
October 5, 2022.

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